I'd like to share one of my stories with you.
Merry Christmas ... all year long!
I hope your heart is touched by Mary's story.
The Miracle ❦ Christ’s Mother, Mary
©1998 Heather Horrocks – May be copied only for incidental, noncommercial Church or Home use.
Sweet Bartholomew (for that is the whimsical name I call our faithful old donkey) is as tired as I am. He has carried me for five days and never balked over the 90 mile trip. Sometimes, when my large body cramps and aches from sitting on top of a donkey for so long, I have asked Joseph to help me off and I walk alongside them.
But this afternoon I dare not, for my pains have begun. Please, Lord, let our journey be done this night for this babe comes soon. Please do not let this child be born alongside this dusty road.
The sun has beat down on me all day. Normally, Joseph would have stopped and let Bartholomew rest, but we can see Bethlehem from where we are and I can feel Joseph’s urgency to get there. I haven’t said anything to him, but he knows.
The donkey stumbles and I pull tight on his mane to keep from falling. The movement causes another pain to begin. Each has become more surprising in its strength. Please, Lord, help me this night. I am so frightened.
The sun has dipped low in the sky, and the desert’s evening chill makes me shiver and pull my mantle around my shoulders. We are now passing by the first homes in Bethlehem. My pains are quite regular now, and when they come I have to catch my breath. When I do, Joseph stops the donkey and rubs my back until I can look at him and smile again. Worry creases his brow, and he walks much faster now, almost dragging Bartholomew along. He knows we have to find a place soon.
But we have stopped at three inns already. My pains are so strong. There--another one. [pause] I know from helping my mother that this can last awhile, but I wonder how I can do it. How strong will the pains get? Am I close now? Or do I have hours yet to go? There is no one to tell me.
Oh, how I wish my mother were here with me! I know the prophecy says the Messiah child will be born in Bethlehem, but at what cost to me? I am so tired and so frightened. Please, Lord, help me through this night.
Joseph comes back from the doorway of yet another inn. He is smiling, but I can tell it is forced. He tells me there is no room, but then hastens to add that the innkeeper has a place for us in back. He pauses. In the stable.
A stable? I ask, disappointed. For God’s son?
When I was still a child, I always planned to give birth in my own home, as my mother gave birth in hers, with other women around for help. But I have only Joseph.
Joseph walks the donkey back around to the back to the stable. There are animals there. I try to hide my sigh as Joseph helps me down, but he hears me. As he walks me under the shelter, the air is warm inside. But how? Joseph says it is the heat from the animals. But I don’t care, as long as it is warm. The animals watch as we walk in, but do not move.
As another pain begins, much stronger than the rest, I begin to cry. How can I give birth in here? With no women to help? I love Joseph, but he is a man, and how much help will he be during childbirth? I am overcome with my fears.
But suddenly, I feel arms around me. I look around, but there is no one. Only Joseph and the animals. But a warmth fills my heart and I know I am not alone this night. Peace fills my soul. And a great love surrounds me. Tears well in my eyes, for my prayers have been answered.
Joseph looks up with startled eyes and I know he has felt it, too. He says it is the spirit of the child within me which he feels. And then he pauses, amazed. It is the child, he repeats, with awe filling his voice. And I know he is right.
The next pain comes, but it is not as hard to bear as the others. I have angels for midwives, and I could ask for no better.
I thank you, Lord, for the privacy and shelter this stable provides so I do not have to give birth alongside the dusty road.
I thank you for these animals so the babe will not be chilled as He comes into this world.
I thank you for my strong and loving Joseph, so I am not alone this night.
I thank you for entrusting me with this sweet child, for I feel His strong presence already.
He is here, and He is beautiful. My baby is here.
But this afternoon I dare not, for my pains have begun. Please, Lord, let our journey be done this night for this babe comes soon. Please do not let this child be born alongside this dusty road.
The sun has beat down on me all day. Normally, Joseph would have stopped and let Bartholomew rest, but we can see Bethlehem from where we are and I can feel Joseph’s urgency to get there. I haven’t said anything to him, but he knows.
The donkey stumbles and I pull tight on his mane to keep from falling. The movement causes another pain to begin. Each has become more surprising in its strength. Please, Lord, help me this night. I am so frightened.
The sun has dipped low in the sky, and the desert’s evening chill makes me shiver and pull my mantle around my shoulders. We are now passing by the first homes in Bethlehem. My pains are quite regular now, and when they come I have to catch my breath. When I do, Joseph stops the donkey and rubs my back until I can look at him and smile again. Worry creases his brow, and he walks much faster now, almost dragging Bartholomew along. He knows we have to find a place soon.
But we have stopped at three inns already. My pains are so strong. There--another one. [pause] I know from helping my mother that this can last awhile, but I wonder how I can do it. How strong will the pains get? Am I close now? Or do I have hours yet to go? There is no one to tell me.
Oh, how I wish my mother were here with me! I know the prophecy says the Messiah child will be born in Bethlehem, but at what cost to me? I am so tired and so frightened. Please, Lord, help me through this night.
Joseph comes back from the doorway of yet another inn. He is smiling, but I can tell it is forced. He tells me there is no room, but then hastens to add that the innkeeper has a place for us in back. He pauses. In the stable.
A stable? I ask, disappointed. For God’s son?
When I was still a child, I always planned to give birth in my own home, as my mother gave birth in hers, with other women around for help. But I have only Joseph.
Joseph walks the donkey back around to the back to the stable. There are animals there. I try to hide my sigh as Joseph helps me down, but he hears me. As he walks me under the shelter, the air is warm inside. But how? Joseph says it is the heat from the animals. But I don’t care, as long as it is warm. The animals watch as we walk in, but do not move.
As another pain begins, much stronger than the rest, I begin to cry. How can I give birth in here? With no women to help? I love Joseph, but he is a man, and how much help will he be during childbirth? I am overcome with my fears.
But suddenly, I feel arms around me. I look around, but there is no one. Only Joseph and the animals. But a warmth fills my heart and I know I am not alone this night. Peace fills my soul. And a great love surrounds me. Tears well in my eyes, for my prayers have been answered.
Joseph looks up with startled eyes and I know he has felt it, too. He says it is the spirit of the child within me which he feels. And then he pauses, amazed. It is the child, he repeats, with awe filling his voice. And I know he is right.
The next pain comes, but it is not as hard to bear as the others. I have angels for midwives, and I could ask for no better.
I thank you, Lord, for the privacy and shelter this stable provides so I do not have to give birth alongside the dusty road.
I thank you for these animals so the babe will not be chilled as He comes into this world.
I thank you for my strong and loving Joseph, so I am not alone this night.
I thank you for entrusting me with this sweet child, for I feel His strong presence already.
He is here, and He is beautiful. My baby is here.
More beautiful stories can be found in Women Who Knew the Mortal Messiah.
Mary's Lullaby is one of my favorite songs. Enjoy.
Erica Soelberg * The Lower Lights * Casey Westover and group
Erica Soelberg * The Lower Lights * Casey Westover and group